Friday, February 17, 2006

My New Job!

Well hello again, everyone!

That's right, I have a job now. I was able to score a really awesome position at Michaelo's Espresso, Inc doing in-house web design and I.T. work. Basically for the next few months I'm working on completely redoing their website, which is a task in and of itself, and then maybe moving into doing not only web updates and graphic stuff, but working around the office as the information technology admin. Should be great!

Michaelo's is a great place to work, it's a small family-run company in Seattle. They sell and repair espresso machines (La San Marco and Cafina) and accessories, as well as coffee carts, kiosks, and the like. Very neat. It's great to be working in a different section of the "industry" for once, rather than behind a coffee bar.

So that's right - I'm back in the game, as it were. ;)

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Kristin Wenzel is the graphics and web designer for Information Society. She is a former barista and lifetime coffee/espresso enthusiast, and a recent convert to the ways of tea. She has found her home in San Francisco, CA.

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