Friday, November 21, 2008
Some Thoughts on Tea
There is nothing to soothe at bedtime like a hot cup of the right kind of herbal tea.A nice one is to mix 1 part mint to one part chamomile. This is a great calm-me-down stress reliever on one of our cold drizzly windy San Francisco winter days. Blustery, I guess. It's great in summer to - on ice.
My favorite all time no questions herbal tea is Stash "Licorice Spice" - sweet like there's honey or sugar but there is none. Spicy, comforting. Leaves me with the same feeling as hot cocoa - satisfied and warm and fuzzy, and, depending on the time of day, sleepy. If I drink it in the morning, it's a nice warming wake up. In the afternoon, at work, a calming hot fragrant pick me up. And, of course, at night - makes me feel all warm and sleepy, Mmm.
I'm having a cup of Peet's Tea "Lemon Rose" right now. I sort of look at tea as a way to get a comforting, warming, hydrating drink into my tummy, which has a good chance of making me have sort of a lift in mood.
link | Kristin W. posted at 4:21 AM |

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